1. Prerequisites for the demo
  2. Steps
    1. Fork repository https://github.com/mgjam/actum-devops101 into your own repository
      • Set storageAccounts_name in ops/iac/main.parameters-dev.json
      • Set release pipeline's build resource pipeline source in ops/cicd/release.yml
    2. Get Access into https://dev.azure.com/mgatyas/DevOps%20101
    3. Create service connection to your repository
    4. Create build pipeline
      • Name the pipeline to correspond to the build resource pipeline source in release pipeline definition
    5. Create release pipeline
      • Define storageAccountName variable for the release pipeline
    6. Trigger or run the build pipeline
    7. Get Access into https://portal.azure.com/#@actum.cz/resource/subscriptions/71a1b525-14cd-44fa-bbb9-f58562281a35/overview
    8. Enable static website hosting on your created storage account
  3. Resources used to prepare the demo