
document.body is null

Colir opened this issue · 1 comments

Colir commented

Hi, i made a simple call of scroll monitor like this

import 'scrollmonitor'

but as soon as the module is load (webpack compile), i've got an error

document.body is null

My function is call with
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {}

i don't see why.

Any suggestion ?

Thank you

The error message "document.body is null" usually indicates that the JavaScript code is attempting to access the document.body element before it is fully loaded. The issue could be related to the timing of the execution of your code.

Here are a few things you can check to resolve this issue:

  1. Check Execution Timing: Ensure that your JavaScript code is being executed after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired. If you're using an import statement like import 'scrollmonitor', the imported module might be running before the DOM is fully ready.

  2. Import Inside DOMContentLoaded: Consider moving your import 'scrollmonitor' statement inside the DOMContentLoaded event listener. This ensures that the imported code is executed only after the DOM is ready.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
      import 'scrollmonitor';
      // Your other code here
  3. Check Webpack Configuration: If you're using Webpack, make sure that you're not inadvertently importing the module in a way that causes it to run before the DOM is ready. Webpack might optimize imports, so you need to ensure that the import is properly placed.

  4. Debugging: Insert console.log statements to trace the execution flow and timing of your code. This can help you identify exactly when the error is occurring.

  5. Use a Callback or Promise: If the module you're importing is not compatible with the DOMContentLoaded event, you might need to use a callback or a Promise to ensure that the module code is executed only after the DOM is fully loaded.

  6. Library Compatibility: Ensure that the version of the scrollmonitor library you're using is compatible with your environment and setup.

By adjusting the timing of your code execution and ensuring that the import and initialization of the scrollmonitor module happen after the DOM is fully loaded, you should be able to resolve the "document.body is null" error.