
[Feature request] Apply diff-routes between git branches

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First of all thanks for this nifty gem! I would like to propose a new feature:
The ability to use diff-routes between branches, ex:

diff-routes main develop

and it would output the diff based on the routes present on each branch.

I understand this will probably change how the gem works and will probably imply a big change in the inner implementation of the gem.

styd commented

Hi, @fidalgo !
Thanks for using this gem.

Technically it's possible to implement the feature, but I think that requires quite a lot of work. I'm open to anyone who're willing and has free time to do it.

But I guess currently you can achieve the same goal with a few more steps:

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Navigate to Rails root.
  3. On bash, git checkout main.
  4. On bash, rails console.
  5. On Rails console, .git branch develop
  6. On Rails console, diff-routes, you should see the diffs.