Unable to play in browser console on Polished's site
Jonalogy opened this issue · 3 comments
Jonalogy commented
Haven't been able to play with Polished via browser's console on https://polished.js.org/ even though the site mentions "Open the console and play around with it!"
Relevant Information
Using chrome version 96.0.4664.55
corymharper commented
Its not in your screenshot, but the following error message appears when you load the page:
Uncaught TypeError: _wrapNativeSuper__default.default is not a function
at polished.js:317:55
at polished.js:4:78
at polished.js:5:3
corymharper commented
Seems like its related to this line which was changed in this commit.
corymharper commented
And as a last bit of information, this is what the object called out by the error looks like when the exception is encountered: