
Usage with 'typescript.jsx" filetype

vjsingh opened this issue · 2 comments

I can't get this plugin to work for my TSX files. I'm using this plugin:

which suggests this way of handling filetypes:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .tsx,.jsx set filetype=typescript.jsx

If I do ":set filetype=typescript" in my TSX file, then I see the styled-components styling correctly.

I tried for a while but couldn't figure it out. Is there any way to add support for "typescript.jsx" filetype?

Hi. 🤔 I don't seem to be able to reproduce this.

Can you give me a minimal .vimrc and example file, that illustrate what the problem is? If I change the filetype to typescript.tsx only my JSX styling changes, but the actual styled components highlighting still work.

Sorry for the delay on this. It seems to be working now, I'm not really sure what happened. I'll reopen if I can reproduce it in the future. =)