
Sorry but the new website sucks. Should bring back the original.

gnat opened this issue · 2 comments

gnat commented

So, I was always pimping out Stylus to my fellow developers up until fairly recently.

The original website was sexy, straight to the point. It immediately dived into the advantages. Remember what we had:

Frankly, nobody cares about the ceremony of the new front page- it totally undersells stylus and makes it look like a template site of any other crappy build system.

All the time/space wasted with the complex comparison examples being front-and-center. It's just bad design. Apologies in advance to whoever did it up as their school project or portfolio piece or whatever. But you're not doing the community any favors. The original site by @tj is a lot more straight to the point, it is frankly, superior.

Less is more. Sexy is more.

What is with all these projects replacing their websites with inferior ones, and burning down adoption of the project.

As someone who actually loves and uses Stylus, and wants more people to see the magic--- bring back the original, thanks.



The new, inferior, template-looking site.


I apologize for this, I created the new docs website via pr #2695 , I discussed with stylus team members and shiped it last year finally. I didn't collect the feedback from stylus users around the world , it's my fault. say sorry again.

Perhaps it's kinda subjective, but I like the new one; like groenroos mentioned in that PR, documentation navigation is indeed a lot better.