
CssSyntaxError: Unclosed bracket

merndev-agile opened this issue · 0 comments

To reproduce:
The stylus compiler produces wrong css for the kind of css written below that has a combination of multiple, multi-argument :not selectors.
This is reproducible on the stylus playground with the following code

.foo:not(.a, .b),
.bar:not(.a, .b) {
	color: red;

Current behavior:
The generated output is as follows: The closing bracket ) for the second :not is missing.

.bar:not(.a {
  color: #f00;

Expected behavior:
The closing bracket ) for the second :not is missing. Expected output should be like below

.bar:not(.a ,.b){
  color: #f00;

Environment information:

stylus version: 0.59.0
nodejs version: 16.16.0

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