
7.0.0 broke local auth in sessions.authenticate_jwt

Closed this issue · 2 comments

we're using sessions.authenticate_jwt from StytchB2B::Client:

      response = b2b_client.sessions.authenticate_jwt @session_jwt,
        max_token_age_seconds: Rails.application.config.stytch_client.max_token_age_seconds,
        session_duration_minutes: Rails.application.config.stytch_client.session_duration_minutes

with 6.6.0 this code worked correctly - if @session_jwt was expired it would get refreshed, otherwise it would be authenticated locally.

with 7.0.0 this behavior stopped working and every call results in an API call to /v1/b2b/sessions/authenticate. i've verified that we're using the newly returned session_jwt with subsequent requests.

Hey @modosc, let me take a look ASAP. Thanks for the report!

This should be fixed in v7.0.2