
PollReactor' object has no attribute 'getThreadPool

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

Thank you for your plugin I have removed the old version and installed the new however I get this when I run a Manual update

[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 31.891234
[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 32.174213
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> update
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> get_wake_time
[e2m3u2b] next wake up time Thu Jan 1 00:59:59 1970 (now=Thu Jan 1 01:00:32 1970)
[e2m3u2b] Stating bouquet update because auto update bouquet at start enabled
[e2m3u2b] on_boot_start_check Error: 'PollReactor' object has no attribute 'getThreadPool'
[e2m3u2b] manual_update_callback Error: 'PollReactor' object has no attribute 'getThreadPool'

I have a blackhole 3.08c (latest) and my time and date are correct

can you please help?

What version are you running?

As for as I know has been fixed. Was only an issue in v0.8 & v0.8.1 when using BlackHole

Same Problem with a VU+ running VTI 14.0.3

v0.8.2 of plugin

I'm unable to test BH or VTI here.

That code is only in the plugin v0.8 or above. So you could try the script version or the older plugin version

Installed v0.77 and problem is fixed.

Maybe some conflict with time update and vu+ official image which vti And bh are based