How to set ENV PATH on load
devroute11 opened this issue · 2 comments
I've been writing scripts natively in SEE however am now writing some scripts that are more portable that I can use with VIM also, these exist in my environment PATH but SEE does not see them.
When I pipe some test text to shell command & "echo $PATH" I get only this: "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin" which does not include my full path such as ~/bin and /opt/local/bin (ports). Trying to put a full path in the Pipe Through Shell Command doesn't work either.
Same happens if I launch SEE from the command line using "see filename.txt"
How can I get SEE to use my full shell PATH?
the see
tool does see your whole environment. However, Apps don't. If you want apps to also have environment things set you sadly need to use this invocation on your system:
e.g. this would make sure your custom XDG config home is set.
Thanks! Looks like this works only if you first launch SEE from command line but I can make that work. Launching the app from dock does not get the PATH. And if app is already running, even 'see' from CLI doesn't get the PATH. I can probably just wrap the start around 'see -l'.