
Tauri's dialect has incorrect types?

Aeryle opened this issue · 3 comments


I have been trying the kysely-dialect-tauri module, but since there is no documentation, or examples in any form or shape that could help, I have been trying to understand how to use it, and here is my code:

import {
	type Generated,
} from 'kysely';
import { TauriSqlDialect } from 'kysely-dialect-tauri';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import Db from 'tauri-plugin-sql-api';

interface Person {
	id: Generated<number>;
	first_name: string;
	last_name: string | null;

interface Database {
	person: Person;

export const initKysely = () =>
	new Kysely<Database>({
		dialect: new TauriSqlDialect({
			database: Db.load('sqlite:test.db'),

export const dbStore = writable<Kysely<Database>>();

I can't seem to get the types to correspond, and unless I'm overseeing something, I don't understand why not use the type already used by the Db.load function?

maybe just a type error. the return type of close does not affect the logic

async destroy(): Promise<void> {

I think those types are related to the error I get:
Maybe Db.load() from the tauri-plugin-sql-api is not the API to use? Do you have an example, docs or template I could check to see how it should be done?

import Database from "tauri-plugin-sql-api";
import { Generated, Kysely } from "kysely";
import { TauriSqlDialect } from "kysely-dialect-tauri";
import { appDataDir } from "@tauri-apps/api/path";

interface DB {
  test: TestTable
interface TestTable {
  id: Generated<number>
  name: string
  age: number
  int8: Uint8Array
export async function test() {

  const kysely = new Kysely<DB>({
    dialect: new TauriSqlDialect({
      database: async () => await Database.load(
        `sqlite:${await appDataDir()}test.db`
      ) as any // bypass typecheck, fixed in
  await kysely.schema.dropTable('test').execute()
  await kysely.schema.createTable('test')
    .addColumn('id', 'integer', builder => builder.autoIncrement().primaryKey())
    .addColumn('name', 'text')
    .addColumn('age', 'integer')
    .addColumn('int8', 'blob')
  await kysely.insertInto('test')
      age: 18,
      name: `test at ${}`,
      int8: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
  console.table(await kysely

call test() in Vue