
Images not loading on mobile browsers (using GDrive gists)

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There's a problem with using google drive gists where cubari sometimes loads the first couple images and stops loading the rest. However this is a problem I've only seen on mobile browsers. When using a pc or tachiyomi to view these pages, I've never had a problem.

Here's an example of a gist that I've had the problem with.

As far as I can tell, this isn't a problem that's isolated to just mobile browsers. The images from Google Drive come from a public quota bucket if you're not signed into a Google Account so if it's exhausted then you'll either have to (1) sign into a Google account and enable third-party cookies, or (2) just wait until the public quota resets.

Got it, I’ll try seeing if mediafire or Dropbox work a bit better than google drive for the gist.