
Ctrl G Issues

Closed this issue · 17 comments

Hi Guys and thanks for all the work you have done on Emacs Pro. I'm having problems with the latest release. Ctrl+G bindings do not seem to work as they once did. For the most part, ctrl+g now seems to exhibit default Sublime behavior in that it launches a goto line overlay. It doesn't cancel a selection (so set a mark start to select then hit ctrl+g and it opens a goto overlay). Likewise for the single_selection - it just launches a goto overlay and does not deselect the selected fields/words.

I'm on latest sublime build (3126). I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Emacs Pro package but problem persists.

Let me know if you need more info.


By update I mean, force Package Control to run another update. It should update the ctrl+g bindings and solve the problem. You might have to quit and restart sublime (look for stack traces in the console output panel) if you're unsure.

I got the update and still same problem so I reinstalled the package again but issue persists. I've stripped back all installed packages to just two - Emacs Pro, Package Control so I don't think there is a conflict arising from another package. Any suggestions where to look?


OK - I pushed the tag but not the branch. I am not 100% sure what that means since pushing a tag pushes all the commits I assume, but clearly I made a mistake in my haste to make up for my ... other mistake.

I wonder whether you still start seeing the fix now?

I just did a reinstall of the package this morning and I still have the same issue. It is still at v3.1.1, if that helps.

Not good and doesn't help!

Can you quit/restart sublime in case you haven't?

If you still have problems, be sure to check the existence of "Packages/Emacs Pro Essentials". That should not exist but if you extracted any resources then they override those in "Installed Packages". Also check to make sure your personal key bindings don't have any ctrl+g bindings that might be interfering.

I'll poke around my User directory and see if there is something hanging around there from previous package installs that may be causing problems. There is just the version under Installed Packages - nothing under Packages for Emacs Pro. I'll let you know what I discover.


Don't struggle for too long without asking for more help. This sucks.

I did a sanity check and basically did a clean install with just the Emacs Pro and it exhibits the same problem. I've added my own bindings to work around the problem right now (although I can't get it to cancel a selection from a mark) but if you want any further information from me, let me know.

I also have this problem (huge thanks for this plugin in general, though, btw). Was excited for ctrl+g enhancements for this latest update (saw in package control messages), but now ctrl+g just does sublime's default. I was going to just copy and paste the ctrl+g stuff into my user key bindings to work around, but there is an awful lot of it.

I did another release. Let me check if it's out there.

OK the 3.1.2 release is out there. I am going to delete my configuration, and confirm that it works.

Seems to work with a pristine state and the 3.1.2 release.

I hope someone else can confirm this for me!

Fixed for me! Huge thanks!!