
Repeat Argument Doesn't Seem to Work with Play Macro

Remillard opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm not entirely sure how this ought to work, but it seems to be working differently in different situations. So you can issue meta-2 meta-3 ctrl-f and the cursor will move forward 23 spaces.

However, I defined a macro that would insert a space, move the point down, and move the point back (just spacing text over.) I tried meta-5 ctrl-x e and it doesn't seem to repeat a macro 5 times.

I'll see if I can't get something like that to work. I have SBP installed as a *.sublime-package but maybe I can get it to work if I extract it and remove it from the Package Control list.

For that matter, ctrl-u doesn't work exactly the way it ought to as you should be able to redefine the repeat rate with ctrl-u <nums> ctrl-u and update the repeat value, but again without the same infrastructure as emacs, that might well be impossible, though it might be possible to define a different keybind for updating the value that ctrl-u represents.

I know this is an old ticket, but I wanted to mention that adding run_macro to the repeatable_cmds array definitely fixes this issue. I think that change should be merged to master.

What are the possibilities of getting repeat applied to normal typing? For example, pressing ctrl+u then a letter and it repeats the letter 4 times?

I am used to using the repeat command in emacs like so: ctrl+u, 5, a to have a repeated 5 times. Is there a way to add this to the repeat command in sublime?

Sorry - I have been so busy I haven't been able to do any work on this plugin. I have changes I like but am unsure about that I haven't released yet. In fact, I am not sure I remember how to make a release!

Regarding your desire to insert multiple characters with the numeric arg, the only way to do that would be to create a command which prompts for a character to insert. It's a real drag. There is no way to create a keyboard binding for all the insertable keys. I'd literally have to create a binding for each character and that would just be a real drag.

That's fine, I figured that was the case. And honestly, I rarely need to repeat a character like that, and if I did, I already texted that if I just stick that character in a macro, I can use the above to repeat the macro however many times and it works fine. It isn't 100% parity with emacs, but in the end, the functionality is the same, so I am happy.