
alt+w always close my editing file

XuQK opened this issue · 4 comments

XuQK commented

Mac OS 10.15.1
Sublime V3.2.2 Build 3211

I can not find any method to disable the hotkey "File->Close File", when I click "Alt+w", I want to a copy, but it close my current file always.
How do I do?

There's a setting you can use to enable the alt-keys rather than using the super keys.


That is set to true by default though:

/* if true, this plugin uses the alt key for most of the emacs bindings */
"sbp_use_alt_bindings": true,

So I am no sure what to say.

You can specifically set that binding yourself in your own bindings file:

{"keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "sbp_kill_region", "args": {"is_copy": true}, "context": [ {"key": "sbp_use_alt_bindings"}]},
XuQK commented

Not working at all. so annoying(⊙︿⊙)

What's the status of this? Did you give up?

XuQK commented

Sorry, I almost forgot about it. I just tried the last time,I replaced the "alt+w" by "command+w",it works! Surprises are always so sudden, thank you 😁