
Custom java version

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How to select specific java version like 17 to build apk?

The problem was solved with the code below

- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
    distribution: 'oracle'
    java-version: '17'
- name: Setup flutter
  uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
    channel: 'stable'
    cache: true

But maybe it would be better to add an option to flutter-action to select the java version

But maybe it would be better to add an option to flutter-action to select the java version

Why don't you request ability to set up a specific version of the flutter in the Setup Java Action repository?

But maybe it would be better to add an option to flutter-action to select the java version

Why don't you request ability to set up a specific version of the flutter in the Setup Java Action repository?

Because Flutter uses java to build its apk!

Flutter doesn't use any Java to build for iOS, macOS, Linux and Windows.

My main point is to set up a specific language or framework with a particular setup action in order to not reinvent a wheel and to follow the DRY principle.