
Add it to bower

FWeinb opened this issue · 8 comments

It would be great to submit this to bower.
Then it would be easer to integrate it in your own projects.

Sounds like a good idea. I have not used Bower before, so I would need to study it first.

Great, thanks!

if you're going to start down the road of package manager support, i'd like this in the npm registry as well

Why would you want this to be a node package? This is meant for the Browser?

i already have node's package manager installed, and i can use a build tool such as commonjs-everywhere to include verlet-js in a browser bundle

+1 for npm too. Node modules are easily consumable on the browser via build tools. The most popular being browserify or another nice one is webpack.

With #14 we are going the npm route with browserify, so I will close out this pull request. If someone would like to also have it in bower and is willing to submit a contribution please feel free to re-open this. Thanks!

Yay! Thanks!