Android Development Training Plan

  • Phase 1: Android Basics and Kotlin Fundamentals (Sessions 1–5)

    • Session 1: Introduction to Android Development
      • Overview of Android platform, architecture, and ecosystem.
      • Introduction to Android Studio and emulator setup.
      • Project structure, activities, and basic UI components (TextView, Button, etc.).
      • Hands-on: Build a simple “Hello World” app.
    • Session 2: Introduction to Kotlin
      • Syntax, basic types, functions, and classes in Kotlin.
      • Control flow (if, when, loops) and collections.
      • Hands-on: Write basic Kotlin programs and integrate them into Android apps.
    • Session 3: Android Components and Lifecycle
      • Activity lifecycle and state management.
      • Introduction to fragments and their lifecycle.
      • Intents and passing data between activities.
      • Hands-on: Create an app with multiple screens using activities and fragments.
    • Session 4: Layouts and UI Design
      • Overview of Android layouts: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout.
      • Building responsive UIs for different screen sizes.
      • Hands-on: Design a multi-screen app using ConstraintLayout.
    • Session 5: Kotlin for Android Development
      • Advanced Kotlin features (lambda functions, extensions, null safety).
      • Coroutines basics for background operations.
      • Hands-on: Implement coroutines in an Android app for network or file operations.
  • Phase 2: Android NDK and C++ Integration (Sessions 6–8)

    • Session 6: Introduction to Android NDK
      • What is NDK? Why use it?
      • Setting up Android NDK in Android Studio.
      • JNI overview: Calling C++ code from Kotlin/Java.
      • Hands-on: Create a simple Android app that calls C++ code.
    • Session 7: Reusing C++ Business Logic with JNI
      • Managing C++ code in an Android app (CMake, ndk-build).
      • Memory management and debugging C++ code in Android.
      • Hands-on: Integrate C++ business logic into an Android app.
    • Session 8: Advanced C++ and NDK Topics
      • Optimizing performance for C++ code in Android.
      • Working with threads in C++ using NDK.
      • Hands-on: Implement multithreading in an Android app using C++ and NDK.
  • Phase 3: Core Android Development Concepts (Sessions 9–13)

    • Session 9: Intents, Services, and Broadcast Receivers
      • Overview of intents (implicit and explicit).
      • Working with services for background tasks.
      • Broadcast receivers and sending broadcasts.
      • Hands-on: Build an app that uses services and broadcast receivers.
    • Session 10: Content Providers and Data Sharing
      • Introduction to content providers and accessing shared data.
      • Reading/writing from/to shared storage.
      • Hands-on: Build an app that interacts with another app’s data using content providers.
    • Session 11: ViewModels and LiveData
      • Introduction to Android Jetpack components.
      • Using ViewModel for lifecycle-aware data management.
      • LiveData for reactive UI updates.
      • Hands-on: Build an app that uses ViewModel and LiveData for managing UI data.
    • Session 12: Room Database for Local Storage
      • Introduction to Room for local data storage.
      • Creating entities, DAOs, and managing queries.
      • Hands-on: Implement Room in an Android app for local data persistence.
    • Session 13: RecyclerView for Lists and Data Binding
      • Understanding RecyclerView and ViewHolder pattern.
      • Data binding for connecting UI components with data sources.
      • Hands-on: Build a dynamic list-based app using RecyclerView and data binding.
  • Phase 4: App Architecture and Dependency Injection (Sessions 14–17)

    • Session 14: MVVM Architecture Pattern
      • Introduction to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture.
      • Separation of concerns: ViewModel, repository, and UI components.
      • Hands-on: Implement an MVVM architecture in an Android app using Jetpack components.
    • Session 15: Dependency Injection with Dagger and Hilt
      • Why use Dependency Injection (DI) in Android?
      • Setting up Dagger and Hilt for DI.
      • Injecting dependencies into ViewModels, activities, and fragments.
      • Hands-on: Refactor an app to use Hilt for DI.
    • Session 16: Retrofit for Networking
      • Overview of Retrofit for network requests.
      • Making API calls (GET, POST), handling responses, and error management.
      • Parsing JSON responses using Gson/Moshi.
      • Hands-on: Create an app that fetches and displays data from a public API using Retrofit.
    • Session 17: Coroutines for Asynchronous Programming
      • Deep dive into Kotlin coroutines.
      • Using coroutines with Retrofit for network calls.
      • Structured concurrency and coroutine scopes.
      • Hands-on: Use coroutines in a networking app to handle asynchronous operations.
  • Phase 5: Advanced Android Development Topics (Sessions 18–23)

    • Session 18: Android Automotive OS Overview
      • Introduction to Android Automotive.
      • Developing apps for cars (navigation, media, etc.).
      • Automotive OS constraints and UI guidelines.
      • Hands-on: Build a basic Android Automotive app.
    • Session 19: Android Wear OS (Wearables)
      • Overview of Wear OS and its specific UI/UX patterns.
      • Creating apps for wearables: Notifications, data sync, sensors.
      • Hands-on: Build a Wear OS app that interacts with a smartphone app.
    • Session 20: Testing in Android
      • Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito.
      • UI testing with Espresso.
      • Hands-on: Write and run unit tests and UI tests for an existing app.
    • Session 21: Publishing an Android App
      • Preparing an app for release (signing, ProGuard, app bundles).
      • Publishing to the Google Play Store.
      • Managing app updates and Play Store policies.
      • Hands-on: Prepare an app for release and generate a signed APK.
    • Session 22: AOSP Overview
      • Introduction to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).
      • Understanding the custom ROM ecosystem.
      • Customizing AOSP for devices.
      • Hands-on: Explore building and customizing a basic AOSP project.
    • Session 23: Firebase Integration
      • Firebase Authentication: Sign-in methods (Google, email, phone).
      • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications.
      • Real-time data with Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore.
      • Hands-on: Integrate Firebase authentication and FCM into an Android app.
  • Phase 6: Performance, Security, and Advanced UI (Sessions 24–30)

    • Session 24: Android App Performance Optimization
      • Memory management, battery optimization, and network optimization.
      • Tools for performance monitoring (Profiler, LeakCanary).
      • Hands-on: Optimize the performance of an existing app and identify memory leaks.
    • Session 25: Securing Android Apps
      • Best practices for securing Android apps.
      • Storing sensitive data (EncryptedSharedPreferences, Keystore).
      • Securing network communication (SSL/TLS, cert pinning).
      • Hands-on: Implement security best practices in an Android app.
    • Session 26: Custom Views and Advanced UI Components
      • Creating custom views from scratch.
      • Working with Canvas, Paint, and animations.
      • Hands-on: Build a custom view and integrate it into an Android app.
    • Session 27: Jetpack Compose – Introduction to Declarative UI
      • Introduction to Jetpack Compose.
      • Building UIs using the Compose toolkit.
      • Handling state in Compose and working with LiveData.
      • Hands-on: Build a simple UI using Jetpack Compose.
    • Session 28: Navigation Components and Deep Linking
      • Overview of Android Navigation Components.
      • Handling app navigation and deep links.
      • Hands-on: Implement navigation and deep linking in an Android app.
    • Session 29: Integrating C++ with JNI (Advanced)
      • Handling complex data structures with JNI.
      • Optimizing performance for JNI calls.
      • Hands-on: Implement advanced JNI integration with complex C++ logic.
  • Phase 7: Final Project – End-to-End Android App Development

    • Session 30-35: Final Project – End-to-End Android App Development
      • Recap of all the concepts learned.
      • Build a complete Android app using MVVM, DI, NDK, and coroutines.
      • Focus on integrating C++ business logic with modern Android features.
      • Hands-on: Complete the final project (a fully functional app).