
Day 01: Induction

Day 02: Introduction to React native

  • Introduction to React Native
  • Styling in React Native
    • Inline
    • Internal
    • External
  • Sample App using TypeScript
  • Display Flex Property
  • Platform Specific Code
    • Using Platform Module
    • Using Platform Specific File Extension
  • Button

Day 03 : Importance of Expo & Native Elements - 1

  • Expo and React Native
  • Custom Buttons using Touchable Opacity and Pressable
    • Touchable Opacity
    • difference between Touchable Opacity, TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableNativeFeedback
    • Pressable Component
    • Difference between Touchable and Pressable
    • Which to be used touchable or Pressable
  • TextInput in React Native

Day 04: React Native Elements - 2

  • Image in React Native
    • Image Props
    • Simple Gallery
  • Showing list of items using map
  • ScrollView
    • Horizontal and Vertical Scrollview
    • Pull to Refresh

Day 05: React Native Elements - 3

  • Image in React Native
    • Image Props
    • Simple Gallery
  • FlatList
  • Pull to Refresh flatlist
  • NestedList/Section List
  • SectionList with Columns
  • Linking

Day 06: Navigation in React Native

  • React Native Architecture
    • old architecture
    • new architecture
    • difference
  • React Nagivation
    • Importance of React Nagivation
    • Types of React Navigation
    • Stack Navigation
    • Bottom Tab Navigation

Day 07: Advance Navigation in React Native

  • Advanced Bottom Tab Navigator
    • Custom Header
    • Custom Navigation Icons
    • Pass data from one navigation screen to another
    • Custom Style
  • Drawer Navigation
  • Complicated Combined Navigator

Day 08: API Integration in React Native

  • Modal
  • Alert
  • Switch
  • Check Box
  • Radio Button
  • Dropdown
  • Networking
    • Axios
      • Get
      • Post

Day 09: Persist in React Native

  • Async Storage
  • SQLite Databases
  • Realm

Day 10: Central Store in React Native

  • Redux toolkit
    • Persistance in Redux toolkit
  • Mobx

Day 11: Social Media Authentication

Day 12: Sensor and Camera

Day 13: Location and Text to Speech

Day 14: Important Libraries

Day 15: PSC