
Updated and complete version of the zlib shim

daviddias opened this issue · 4 comments

There is a new version of the browserify-zlib shim to zlib available at, it fixes some bugs and more importantly, it adds support for dictionaries.

It seems that not a lot of people use that feature, but it is essential for libp2p-spdy in the browser, which is part of js-libp2p and js-ipfs. Right now we are replacing the shim in our build tool, but it would improve the experience a lot if everyone using it could just the shim that gets injected by browserify.

We've a open PR -- browserify/browserify-zlib#18 -- to the bundled browserify-zlib in browserify, but 8 months have passed since it was open, the author and maintainer seems to be lacking the time to review. What else an we do to move this forward?

Thank you :)

//cc @dignifiedquire @victorbjelkholm

@substack did you have the chance to take a look at this issue?


beep boop, can we get an update on this, please? Thank you!

This is fixed in browserify-zlib@0.2.0: