
creating creditors

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Does not work as documented. The helper function produces an error.

creditor.number = economic.creditors.next_available_number

There appears to be no function corresponding to this for creditors, not even in the SOAP API. I've written to e-conomics for a clarification.

The best work-around I can think of is currently to "get all" and find the last, highest creditor number. Or wait (gasp!) until e-conomics implements said get_next_available_number.

Otherwise, creating a creditor works, as long as you provide an unused number.

Strangely, '' no longer works if you go into the GUI, and delete the creditor you just created via ''.

I suspect our documentation is wrong here, probably the result of copy/pasting it from Debtor that does have the next_available_number method.

Having it available would be helpful, I'm sure, but it's probably not feasible unless E-conomic adds it to the API. I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say.

Their answer went:

The GetNextAvailableNumber method was only implemented for the most used entities years back. The criteria for whether or not an entity qualified to have this functionality or not I am not aware.

If you don’t want to use the Creditor_GetAll, you will need to store and maintain locally the creditor numbers you are using in e-conomic.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Jostein Ågedal
Senior Developer
=====end answer===


So if

result =, cookies: auth_cookies)

Ruby code most useful to achieve a 'get next available number' somewhat synonymous to above for Creditor would be:

client = Savon.client(wsdl: "")

auth_cookies = result.http.cookies

def :creditor_get_next_available_number

result =, cookies: auth_cookies)
list = result.to_hash[:creditor_get_all_response][:creditor_get_all_result][:creditor_handle]
arr = list.flat_map(&:values)! { |i| i.to_i }.sort!
return arr.last + 1
