Stubbing Fetch Call - stubbed response.json() will not invoke
dman777 opened this issue · 2 comments
dman777 commented
I am trying to stub a fetch call with sinon. sinon-stub-promise, proxyquire, and mocha. I'm pretty close...but I am not sure why the stub containing my function response.json() method isn't invoking when it is clearly there.
function toJSON(response) {
return response.json();
function init() {
.catch((e) => {
console.log('init error ' + e);
describe('lifx alert test', ()=> {
it('should run fetch', ()=> {
var fetch = sinon.stub().returnsPromise();
var body = {
"hourly": {
[ { time: 1493413200,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 297.17 },
{ time: 1493416800,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.89 },
{ time: 1493420400,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.73 },
{ time: 1493424000,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.31 } ]
function json() {
return body;
var response = {};
response.json = json;
var init = proxy('../index.js', {'node-fetch': fetch});
lifex alert test
{ json: [Function: json] }
[ { time: 1493413200,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 297.17 },
{ time: 1493416800,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.89 },
{ time: 1493420400,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.73 },
{ time: 1493424000,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.31 } ]
init error TypeError: response.json is not a function
â should run fetch
1 passing
a-b-r-o-w-n commented
@dman777 In the output, I don't see the assertion failing, so the stub is getting called.
Could you try moving fetch.resolves(response);
below the proxyquire? I'm not sure that would help anything, but maybe worth a try.
dman777 commented
No success on that. However, using proxyquire global worked. Thanks for the response and suggestion though.
describe('lifx alert test', ()=> {
it('should run fetch', ()=> {
var fetch = sinon.stub().returnsPromise();
var body = {
"hourly": {
[ { time: 1493413200,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 297.17 },
{ time: 1493416800,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.89 },
{ time: 1493420400,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 0,
ozone: 296.73 },
{ time: 1493424000,
icon: 'clear-day',
precipIntensity: 0,
precipProbability: 50,
ozone: 296.31 } ]
var response = { json: () => { return body } };
fetch['@global'] = true;
proxy('../index.js', {'node-fetch': fetch});