
TextMate bundle application creation framework. Includes awesome simple GUI for Git.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GuiMate 1.6 Git GUI by Thomas Aylott / subtleGradient

GuiMate for TextMate

It’s basically just a way to easily bind shell scripts to buttons and see the results right in that same window. It’s very useful (to me) for scripts that you run hundreds of times per day or need constant access to, no matter what document or project is open or closed.



git clone git://github.com/subtleGradient/guimate.tmbundle.git GuiMate.tmbundle
open GuiMate.tmbundle

or Download…

Download GuiMate as a tar

Make sure you rename the root folder of this project to GuiMate.tmbundle to make TextMate recognize it as a bundle.

Rails GUI

  • server start/stop
    • View the site

TODO: Focus the gui after a command completes? EG: When you save and close the commit message and the commit completes. Focus the Git GUI so that you can then push or close the window from the keyboard.