
[BUG] Trying to do cl.photoupload fails

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I'm currently trying to upload a simple picture, with a caption and some extra_data. However, everytime i try, i get a 500 request error.
I've tried a ton of things, so i thought i would ask if any of y'all new anything.


These are some images of the logs i receive. My code is below:
def postmedia():
userids = str(request.args.get('userids')).replace(" ", "").split(',')
usernames = str(request.args.get('username')).replace(" ", "").split(',')
useruniqueids = str(request.args.get('useruniqueids')).replace(" ", "").split(',')
image_url = "https:" + str(request.args.get('image')) # Get the image URL instead of a base64 string
caption = str(request.args.get('title'))
captionforfile = str(request.args.get('title')).replace(" ", "_") # Caption to be used as filename
hidecomments = str(request.args.get('commentable'))
hidelikes = str(request.args.get('likes'))

if hidelikes == "False":
    hidelikes = 0
elif hidelikes == "True":
    hidelikes = 1

if hidecomments == "False":
    hidecomments = 0
elif hidecomments == "True":
    hidecomments = 1

# Create a temporary directory to save the image
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
    # Define the file path where the image will be saved
    image_filename = f"{captionforfile}.jpg"
    image_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, image_filename)

    # Download the image from the URL and save it as a jpg file
    response = requests.get(image_url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        with open(image_path, "wb") as image_file:
        return "Failed to download image", 400

    # Loop through usernames and upload images
    for username, useruniqueid, userid in zip(usernames, useruniqueids, userids):
        session = load_session(username)
        cl = Client()
        if session:
            cl.set_settings(session)  # Load the user's session settings
                cl.get_timeline_feed()  # Validate the session
                print(f"Sessions loaded successfully for {username}")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Failed to load timeline feed for {username}: {str(e)}")
            print(f"Session not found for {username}")

        # Upload the saved image file
        media = cl.photo_upload(
                "like_and_view_counts_disabled": hidelikes,
                "disable_comments": hidecomments,