Jump start your cleaver presentation in no time.
Reinventing cleaver watch
functionality but also sprinkling it with livereload & static server functionality via awesome grunt packages (see package.json dependency list for names).
How to run this?
npm install
to install all dependencies.
to output compiled to index.html.
2b.grunt build:%Name of you md file%
to output compiled to output and have that.
Both tasks will also start the static server at 8080 and open it in your browser
Cleaver doesn't run on my Windows, what to do?
Probably the issue is with your shell. Try changing this line to be return "cleaver " + filename + '.md'
and install cleaver globally via npm install -g cleaver
Have any question/proposals?
Don't hesitate to open issue, or just to do regular fork-feature branch-pull request thing on me.