
Single header logging utility for C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The single header logging utility for C++.


#include "logu/logu.h"

int main()
    // Stream style

    LOGU_DEBUG << "debug message";
    LOGU_INFO << "info message";
    LOGU_WARN << "warning message";
    LOGU_ERROR << "error message";
    LOGU << "message with no severity specified";

    // Print variable name and value

    int32_t age = 3;
    std::string name = "taro";
    LOGU_DEBUG << LOGU_VARS(name, age);

    return 0;


2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | DEBUG | 6793 | example.cpp@7 | debug message
2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | INFO  | 6793 | example.cpp@8 | info message
2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | WARN  | 6793 | example.cpp@9 | warning message
2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | ERROR | 6793 | example.cpp@10 | error message
2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | ----- | 6793 | example.cpp@11 | message with no severity specified
2022-04-04 00:10:23.000 | DEBUG | 6793 | example.cpp@17 | (name, age) -> (taro, 3)

Log format (default):

{date-time} | {severity} | {thiread-id} | {file-name}@{line-no} | {message}

Please see example.cpp for example.


  1. Place logu/logu.hpp in include path of your project.
  2. Add #include "logu/logu.hpp" into your source code.


MIT License.