
Swift 4 Support - Working

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Not sure the status on maintaining this pod, I moved it over to work on swift 4. I am willing to spend more time on it if there is interest.

I removed everything that was force unwrapped and made code changes.

@Sanlon how could I use your fork from the time being until @sudeepag updates this package ?

If your using CocoaPods try: pod 'SAConfettiView', :git => '', :commit => 'c3d602ba939278d28cf7634d0cf5b38d113cd8d2'

thanks @Shanlon, I can confirm your fork works on XCode 9.3 and Swift 4.1
Just one minor change, I had to replace

  confettiView.type = .Confetti


  confettiView.type = .confetti