
Update repo

sudo-nautilus opened this issue · 6 comments

Anyone know how to update the repo without opening/running git

Hi. You mean update from the upstream repo (BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds)? Try this: master...BtbN:master .
However, merge with a merge commit, merge after squashing and merge with rebase, none of these three functions can produce a clean commit history (fast-forward), even though you do synchronize the files on your branch. In other words, you cannot completely sync your fork with the upstream through GitHub web UI so far.

I was playing with git for updating repo which is quite awful.
I'll try that

Yeah but,
What you mean by clean commit history ?

It will not be a fast-forward history, but diverged.
Here is the test result in my repository.


Upstream: a - b  -  d  - - -  g
                \ /   \     /
                 c     e - f

Mine:     a - b


Upstream: a - b  -  d  - - -  g
                \ /   \     /
                 c     e - f

Mine:     a - b - c' - e' - f'

The resulting files are the same; however, as you can see, the history starting from commit b is completely different after merging. It looks like commits c' , e' and f' are cherry-picked from the corresponding commits in the upstream, and all merge commits ( d and g ) are ignored. It's completely not a fast-forward push (or, not a sync).

Therefore, I think we still need to execute git fetch upstream && git push mine upstream/master:master locally.

But we can still try :)

Let's see,
I made a PR to Xi-PP who forked one of my repo and his/her was updated. Now I remember