
Wifi client fails to connect

grisu48 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there, I really love this project :-)

I was playing around with my LILY TTGO v2 development board, which connects to my home WiFi. For that I created a firmware/secrets.h file according to this old commit

#define WIFI_SSID "MyAwesomeHomeWifi"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "NotGonnaTellYou"

In almost all cases when booting the node, it fails to connect to the Wifi. However after hitting the reset button if connects. This happened in all observed cases, and always after a power-cut.
I had to let the node boot (where it failed to connect to the Wifi) and hit the reset button. Only after that it connected successfully. Before it was in all observed cases entering the AP mode, because the connection failed.

Fixed in PR #97