
Activity cards render incorrectly, theme switch broken

shaansubbaiah opened this issue · 5 comments

In, the Activity images are out of place, and switching themes doesn't work.

I have a bunch of addons that block scripts and ads on Firefox so I tried it on stock Chromium as well, got the same results.

Let me know if the link I used '', is outdated (it was linked in the repository description) and if any other information is required.

Firefox 80.0.1

Chromium 85.0.4183.102


Thanks, the link is deprecated. I might as well deprecate it to 404.
The new link is

My slug limit on Netlify is reached. So we are now deploying to sunjammer

Thanks, this works much better, I like the new look.
Am I missing something or are there only 3 activities?

No, only three, one maintained by me, and two by @quozl . We are waiting for maintainers to submit xo's :)

Thanks, closing 👍