Deprecation warnings on Fedora Rawhide
quozl opened this issue · 12 comments
As of this date, Fedora Rawhide (experimental beta release) does log many deprecation warnings for Sugar Toolkit for GTK 3, some of which we have already fixed but not released, and some of which may yet need fixing. Suggested actions;
- sort through and list the classes of warnings,
- iterate through each class of warning and either fix it or confirm it has been fixed,
- make pull request with commits for each class of warning.
Log file from Browse activity; 1668504-1534605.txt
Reference: unrelated problem
Are there enough of these to be a GSoC project?
I don't know. It seems to never end. has some other bit rot type of tasking.
Thanks. You ask why should we care? Because Fedora Rawhide becomes the next version of Sugar on a Stick, which is released by Fedora despite any new bugs that haven't been solved. Because what is in Fedora Rawhide that causes the bug may eventually appear in Debian and thus in Ubuntu. Fedora Rawhide is the canary in the coal mine.
That the next version of Sugar on a Stick may be affected also affects our recommended path for Raspberry Pi, which is SoaS. I've no focus on Ubuntu or Debian for Raspberry Pi, and I urge Raspberry Pi users to stick with SoaS for the best experience.
Some of these deprecations end up being important, but we can't tell yet. Many activities fail to start because of previous deprecations, and nobody cared. Why are you troubled that someone cares?
Oh well, that's your lot then. For me, if someone draws to my attention a problem that can be fixed, and I don't want to fix it myself, I shall log it, as I have done here. I think this particular problem may eventually be important, and if someone who refuses to get involved in activity maintenance but nonetheless is happy to make trivial changes, I'm enabling their effort. Now, please stay out of this if it doesn't concern you, as your noise here degrades everybody's enthusiasm.
I don't see your maintenance. Where are you publishing your changes?
I still don't see your maintenance. Please publish so other Sugar Labs members can see it. What you describe sounds like a hostile fork, where you have no intention of providing your changes to others or work with them. I'm fine with that, as the license allows it, but if you are going that way then you can't expect the rest of us to help you any further either.
The classes that are deprecated are:
gdk_display_get_device_manager is deprecated
gdk_screen_make_display_name is deprecated
gdk_screen_get_number is deprecated
gdk_threads_enter is deprecated
gdk_threads_leave is deprecated
gdk_error_trap_pop is deprecated
gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored is deprecated
gdk_error_trap_push is deprecated
g_type_class_add_private is deprecated