
feat: command locales

Opened this issue · 6 comments

This is simply an issue used to track localization progress over time in a centralized location.

All locales should have a json file in the directory suggestions/locales. The file naming scheme should follow <locale>.json where locale is found here

All translations should include the same keys as en_GB.json, with the values being the relevant translations.

Formatting for command entries is as follows:

    "<COMMAND>_NAME": "The name of the command",
    "<COMMAND>_DESCRIPTION": "The description of the command",
    "<COMMAND>_ARG_<ARGUMENT>_NAME": "The name of this argument",
    "<COMMAND>_ARG_<ARGUMENT>_DESCRIPTION": "The description of this argument"

N.B. Keys should be all caps.

If you are unable to complete a translation, rather then remove the key please just leave the en_GB translation as the value.

We will also require manually localizing all strings sent within commands and error handlers.

(Linked the PR to the wrong issue)

Format for localizing embeds:
