
little program in Powershell to do multiplication exercises for kids (optional, with sounds).

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Powershell program for questioning Multiplication or Division practices.
Written for my children in the 2nd and 3th class (~7-9 years old).
This is a translated version from Dutch to English.

To enable sounds, set in the script the parameter [bool]$global:SFXEnabled from $false to $true
[bool]$global:SFXEnabled = $true

I did not include the sounds, because for the original version, I used the "cool" sound files from the game Quake 3 Arena in wav format.
If you extract them from the game and copy the needed sounds files in the same folder where the .cmd and .ps1 files are, you have sound.

Sound files needed from Quake 3 Arena:
- one.wav
- two.wav
- three.wav
- impressive.wav
- prepare.wav
- fight.wav
- perfect.wav
- excellent.wav
- tiedlead.wav
- lostlead.wav
- wearoff.wav