- 3
- 1
mixin lodash use concat "Confuse"
#139 opened by HoKangInfo - 1
- 1
Aigle.each et al: if first argument is a Promise, resolve it before iterating over it
#137 opened by adrian-gierakowski - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 12
- 2
- 22
- 0
Migrate tslint to eslint
#125 opened by suguru03 - 2
.retry: add predicate option, which could be used to decide which errors should trigger a retry
#122 opened by adrian-gierakowski - 1
add tapCatch method
#118 opened by adrian-gierakowski - 1
Add progress method for promises
#111 opened by fahad86 - 3
not better than async in http request
#110 opened by superlbr - 4
Adding allSettled function as in Q library
#101 opened by fahad86 - 1
es5 files are empty
#104 opened by suguru03 - 1
- 5
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
Update filter functionality
#93 opened by suguru03 - 2
- 2
Implement reflect function
#89 opened by suguru03 - 1
Update benchmarks for latest node versions
#91 opened by bompus - 6
Add flow method
#82 opened by Kikobeats - 2
- 0
Update the publish task
#68 opened by suguru03 - 1
Improve Aigle.retry functionality
#52 opened by suguru03 - 0
Add eachRight function
#53 opened by suguru03 - 3
Object.assign found in aigle-es5.min.js
#80 opened by FrivalszkyP - 2
promisify - getBuffer is not a function
#51 opened by westlakem - 2
promisifyAll Example less createClient
#73 opened by HoKangInfo - 1
Extends Aigle.parallel functionality
#57 opened by suguru03 - 3
- 2
- 1
Missing Async Control Flow Methods
#70 opened by SirNeural - 8
Publish pre-compiled version for ES5
#69 opened by jmurgey - 7
Typescript returns Aigle as undefined
#67 opened by smasilamani-cfins - 0
Update docs
#66 opened by suguru03 - 1
Remove fs-extra
#61 opened by suguru03 - 1
Show unhandled rejection
#58 opened by suguru03 - 2
Not clear how to use `Aigle` VS `Native JS`?
#65 opened by thearabbit - 2
Could I test `Aigle` on JsFiddle?
#64 opened by thearabbit - 5
promisify a function has More than two params
#59 opened by HoKangInfo - 1
Rename pick/omit to pickBy/omitBy
#54 opened by suguru03 - 0
Dist files aren't generated properly
#56 opened by suguru03 - 5
Multiple Asyncs?
#55 opened by paulxtiseo