This application gives a set of RESTful APIs which are used by blog-web
This application uses following technologies,
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- sails.js - webframework build over expressjs
- mysql - opensource database
Below are the steps you need to follow for installation:
$ git clone
$ cd blog-api
$ sudo npm install
For setting up the database in mysql
$ mysql -u root
Update the config for database consumer application in the file present in consumer-payments/config/connections.js
$ grunt db:migrate:up
$ sails lift
Blog-API is a sails app that runs of port 1338, so you can access the application on (on vagrant) or on http://localhost:1338 (on local machine)
###Packages Installed
- jade - Templating engine for your sails app
- moment.js - Date-time formatting
- sails-mysql - MySQL adapter for Sails.js
- passport - authentication middleware for Node.js
- bcrypt - Password hashing
- sails-db-migrate - db-migrate integration for your sails app
- sails-hook-autoreload - Sails JS hook to autoreload controllers, models and locales when changed.