Admin interface : Content Creator – Web CRUD for articles
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sukria commented
Although it is great to be able to maintain the site's content entirely with commit and flat files, it can be quite handy to be able to have an admin area that automates all the boring bits:
- creating a directory in the right place for the article
- setting up meta data such as title and tags in the meta.yml file
- provide a simple editor for the article's content
To keep things super simple and still avoid any use of DB, this interface will be accessible after a login screen that checks the user/passwords against a file created with the helper:
Admin Authentication
$ liteblog adduser Enter password for username: Confirm password: username has been added to liteblog/
Content Creation
Once authenticated, the admin should have access to a page that list all possible actions registered by Widgets. In this case, we're speaking about the Blog widget, hence : the admin landing page should provide a "Blog" card that redirects to /admin/blog (where all admin actions of the Blog widgets are available).
This page should allow:
- Listing of all existing articles as a table, with meta data in-line (title, category, tags, etc).
- Actions in front of each line (Edit, Trash)
- a Button to create a new article/page