
Move voices closer together vertically in "Separate Voices" mode

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Applies to the Melodic Contour ribbon when "Separate Voices" is checked. Also applies to Rhythmic Activity at all times (see #193).

Caveat: Although the voices in the Melodic Contour ribbon view and "Separate Voices" mode do appear rather far apart, there's some potential for, say, a very low Altus line to overlap with a very high Tenor line if the gutter between the staves is removed entirely. This overlap may be visually undesirable, or it may be OK -- we'd have to compare.

We have accommodated this as much as we're comfortable doing, even allowing voice ribbons to overlap in rare cases. The only remaining option for spacing the voices even closer together would be to display and center each voice strictly within its own note range, rather than the current choice of positioning each voice within a staff that is centered on middle C and extends as many notes up and down as the highest or lowest note (whichever is farthest from the center). The alternative "decentered" view, however, tends to produce very oddly spaced staff lines, which we feel is aesthetically undesirable.