
A Ruby client for the RESTful HTTP APIs provided by the Preservation Catalog API

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Gem Version CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage


preservation-client is a Ruby gem that acts as a client to the RESTful HTTP APIs provided by preservation_catalog.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'preservation-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install preservation-client


Preservation::Client is a singleton object, and thus can be used as a class or an instance.

require 'preservation/client'

def do_the_thing
  current_version_as_integer = client.objects.current_version('druid:oo000oo0000')


def client
  @client ||= Preservation::Client.configure(url: Settings.preservation_catalog.url, token: Settings.preservation_catalog.token)


require 'preservation/client'

def initialize
  Preservation::Client.configure(url: Settings.preservation_catalog.url, token: Settings.preservation_catalog.token)

def do_the_thing
  current_version_as_integer = Preservation::Client.objects.current_version('druid:oo000oo0000')

Note that the client may not be used without first having been configured, and both the url and token keywords are required.

See https://github.com/sul-dlss/preservation_catalog#api for info on obtaining a valid API token.

Note that the preservation service is behind a firewall.

API Coverage

  • druids may be with or without the "druid:" prefix - 'oo000oo0000' or 'druid:oo000oo0000'
  • methods can be called as client_instance.objects.method or Preservation::Client.objects.method

Get the current version of a preserved object (Moab)

  • client.objects.current_version('oo000oo0000') - returns latest version as an Integer

Retrieve file signature (checksum) information

  • client.objects.checksum(druid: 'oo000oo0000') - returns info as array of hashes

Retrieve individual files from preservation

  • client.objects.content(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'my_file.pdf') - returns contents of my_file.pdf in most recent version of Moab object
    • You may specify the version:
      • client.objects.content(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'my_file.pdf', version: '1') - returns contents of my_file.pdf in version 1 of Moab object
  • client.objects.manifest(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'versionInventory.xml') - returns contents of versionInventory.xml in most recent version of Moab object
    • You may specify the version:
      • client.objects.manifest(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'versionInventory.xml', version: '3') - returns contents of versionInventory.xml in version 3 of Moab object
  • client.objects.metadata(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'identityMetadata.xml') - returns contents of identityMetadata.xml in most recent version of Moab object
    • You may specify the version:
      • client.objects.metadata(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'identityMetadata.xml', version: '8') - returns contents of identityMetadata.xml in version 8 of Moab object
  • client.objects.signature_catalog('oo000oo0000') - returns latest Moab::SignatureCatalog from Moab

Validate the Moab

  • client.objects.validate_moab(druid: 'ooo000oo0000') - validates that the Moab object, used by preservationWF to ensure we have a valid Moab before replicating to various preservation endpoints

Get difference information between passed contentMetadata.xml and files in the Moab

  • client.objects.content_inventory_diff(druid: 'oo000oo0000', content_metadata: '<contentMetadata>...</contentMetadata>') - returns Moab::FileInventoryDifference containing differences between passed content metadata and latest version for subset 'all'

    • you may specify the subset (all|shelve|preserve|publish) and/or the version:
      • client.objects.content_inventory_diff(druid: 'oo000oo0000', subset: 'publish', version: '1', content_metadata: '<contentMetadata>...</contentMetadata>')
  • client.objects.shelve_content_diff(druid: 'oo000oo0000', content_metadata: '<contentMetadata>...</contentMetadata>') - returns Moab::FileGroupDifference containing differences between passed content metadata and latest version for subset 'shelve'

Alert the catalog that an object has been changed and needs to be updated

  • client.update(druid: 'oo000oo0000', version: 3, size: 2342, storage_location: 'some/storage/location') - returns true if it worked


After checking out the repo, run bundle to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in lib/preservation/client/version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sul-dlss/preservation-client


Copyright (c) 2019 Stanford Libraries. See LICENSE for details.