
Self reference return error 500

EikiProg opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug? yes
New Feature? no
SuluArticleBundle Version 2.5.1
Sulu Version 2.5.10
Elasticsearch 7.17.2

Actual Behavior

Return error 500 "Error: __debuginfo() must return an array" when an article type contain a selector for the same article type

Error: __debuginfo() must return an array

  at W:\www\kdl\vendor\handcraftedinthealps\elasticsearch-bundle\Mapping\DocumentParser.php:107
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Mapping\DocumentParser->parse('class' => 'class ReflectionClass { public string $name = \'Sulu\\\\Bundle\\\\ArticleBundle\\\\Document\\\\ArticleDocument\' }')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Mapping\MetadataCollector->getDocumentReflectionMapping('reflectionClass' => 'class ReflectionClass { public string $name = \'Sulu\\\\Bundle\\\\ArticleBundle\\\\Document\\\\ArticleDocument\' }')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Mapping\MetadataCollector->getBundleMapping('name' => '\'SuluArticleBundle\'', 'config' => '[]')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Mapping\MetadataCollector->getMappings('bundles' => '[0 => \'SuluArticleBundle\']')
  at Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Elasticsearch\EventAwareConverter->convertToDocument('rawData' => '[\'_index\' => \'su_articles_live\', \'_type\' => \'article\', \'_id\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f-fr\', \'_score\' => 1, \'_source\' => [\'uuid\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\', \'locale\' => \'fr\', \'title\' => \'Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une séparation\', \'route_path\' => \'/podcasts/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation\', \'type\' => \'podcast\', \'type_translation\' => \'Podcast\', \'structure_type\' => \'default\', \'changer_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'creator_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'changed\' => \'2023-09-29T05:50:44+0000\', \'created\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'excerpt\' => [...], \'seo\' => [...], \'authored\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'author_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'teaser_description\' => \'\', \'published\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'published_state\' => TRUE, \'localization_state\' => [...], \'author_id\' => 1, \'creator_contact_id\' => 1, \'changer_contact_id\' => 1, \'pages\' => [...], \'content_data\' => \'{"title":"Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une s\\\\u00e9paration","routePath":"\\\\/podcasts\\\\/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation","code":"41","duration":"18","ausha":"bYXOQuGpwJw3","description":"<p>Dans cet \\\\u00e9pisode, notre associ\\\\u00e9e Karine consid\\\\u00e8re que l\\\'\\\\u00e9tat de souffrance des personnes dans leur s\\\\u00e9paration ne leur permet plus de prendre les bonnes d\\\\u00e9cisions.<\\\\/p><p>Il convient donc, sans prendre la place des th\\\\u00e9rapeutes psychologiques, de les placer dans meilleures conditions p\'..., \'main_webspace\' => \'kdl\', \'additional_webspaces\' => [...], \'content_fields\' => [...]]]', 'manager' => 'class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Service\\Manager { private $name = \'live\'; private $config = [\'index\' => [...], \'mappings\' => [...], \'bulk_size\' => 100, \'commit_mode\' => \'refresh\', \'logger\' => [...], \'force_commit\' => TRUE]; private $client = class Elasticsearch\\Client { public $transport = class Elasticsearch\\Transport { ... }; protected $params = NULL; protected $endpoints = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->Elasticsearch\\{closure}", ... }; protected $registeredNamespaces = [...]; protected $asyncSearch = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\AsyncSearchNamespace { ... }; protected $autoscaling = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\AutoscalingNamespace { ... }; protected $cat = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\CatNamespace { ... }; protected $ccr = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\CcrNamespace { ... }; protected $cluster = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\ClusterNamespace { ... }; protected $danglingIndices = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\DanglingIndicesNamespace { ... }; protected $dataFrameTransformDeprecated = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\DataFrameTransformDeprecatedNamespace { ... }; protected $enrich = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\EnrichNamespace { ... }; protected $eql = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\EqlNamespace { ... }; protected $features = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\FeaturesNamespace { ... }; protected $fleet = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\FleetNamespace { ... }; protected $graph = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\GraphNamespace { ... }; protected $ilm = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IlmNamespace { ... }; protected $indices = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IndicesNamespace { ... }; protected $ingest = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IngestNamespace { ... }; protected $license = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\LicenseNamespace { ... }; protected $logstash = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\LogstashNamespace { ... }; protected $migration = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MigrationNamespace { ... }; protected $ml = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MlNamespace { ... }; protected $monitoring = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MonitoringNamespace { ... }; protected $nodes = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\NodesNamespace { ... }; protected $rollup = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\RollupNamespace { ... }; protected $searchableSnapshots = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SearchableSnapshotsNamespace { ... }; protected $security = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SecurityNamespace { ... }; protected $shutdown = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\ShutdownNamespace { ... }; protected $slm = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SlmNamespace { ... }; protected $snapshot = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SnapshotNamespace { ... }; protected $sql = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SqlNamespace { ... }; protected $ssl = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SslNamespace { ... }; protected $tasks = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TasksNamespace { ... }; protected $textStructure = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TextStructureNamespace { ... }; protected $transform = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TransformNamespace { ... }; protected $watcher = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\WatcherNamespace { ... }; protected $xpack = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\XpackNamespace { ... } }; private $converter = class Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Elasticsearch\\EventAwareConverter { private ${ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Result\\Converter}metadataCollector = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\MetadataCollector { ... }; private $dispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher { ... } }; private $bulkQueries = []; private $bulkParams = []; private $indexSettings = [\'index\' => \'su_articles_live\', \'body\' => [...], \'include_type_name\' => TRUE]; private $metadataCollector = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\MetadataCollector { private $finder = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\DocumentFinder { ... }; private $parser = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\DocumentParser { ... }; private $cache = class Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\FilesystemCache { ... }; private $enableCache = FALSE }; private $commitMode = \'refresh\'; private $bulkCommitSize = 100; private $bulkCount = 0; private $repositories = [\'Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Document\\ArticleViewDocument\' => class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Service\\Repository { ... }]; private $eventDispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher { protected $logger = class Symfony\\Bridge\\Monolog\\Logger { ... }; protected $stopwatch = class Symfony\\Component\\Stopwatch\\Stopwatch { ... }; private ?SplObjectStorage ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}callStack = class SplObjectStorage { ... }; private Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcherInterface ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}dispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher { ... }; private array ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}wrappedListeners = [...]; private array ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}orphanedEvents = [...]; 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  at Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Elasticsearch\EventAwareConverter->convertToDocument('rawData' => '[\'_index\' => \'su_articles_live\', \'_type\' => \'article\', \'_id\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f-fr\', \'_score\' => 1, \'_source\' => [\'uuid\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\', \'locale\' => \'fr\', \'title\' => \'Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une séparation\', \'route_path\' => \'/podcasts/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation\', \'type\' => \'podcast\', \'type_translation\' => \'Podcast\', \'structure_type\' => \'default\', \'changer_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'creator_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'changed\' => \'2023-09-29T05:50:44+0000\', \'created\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'excerpt\' => [...], \'seo\' => [...], \'authored\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'author_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'teaser_description\' => \'\', \'published\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'published_state\' => TRUE, \'localization_state\' => [...], \'author_id\' => 1, \'creator_contact_id\' => 1, \'changer_contact_id\' => 1, \'pages\' => [...], \'content_data\' => \'{"title":"Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une s\\\\u00e9paration","routePath":"\\\\/podcasts\\\\/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation","code":"41","duration":"18","ausha":"bYXOQuGpwJw3","description":"<p>Dans cet \\\\u00e9pisode, notre associ\\\\u00e9e Karine consid\\\\u00e8re que l\\\'\\\\u00e9tat de souffrance des personnes dans leur s\\\\u00e9paration ne leur permet plus de prendre les bonnes d\\\\u00e9cisions.<\\\\/p><p>Il convient donc, sans prendre la place des th\\\\u00e9rapeutes psychologiques, de les placer dans meilleures conditions p\'..., \'main_webspace\' => \'kdl\', \'additional_webspaces\' => [...], \'content_fields\' => [...]]]', 'manager' => 'class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Service\\Manager { private $name = \'live\'; private $config = [\'index\' => [...], \'mappings\' => [...], \'bulk_size\' => 100, \'commit_mode\' => \'refresh\', \'logger\' => [...], \'force_commit\' => TRUE]; private $client = class Elasticsearch\\Client { public $transport = class Elasticsearch\\Transport { ... }; protected $params = NULL; protected $endpoints = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->Elasticsearch\\{closure}", ... }; protected $registeredNamespaces = [...]; protected $asyncSearch = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\AsyncSearchNamespace { ... }; protected $autoscaling = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\AutoscalingNamespace { ... }; protected $cat = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\CatNamespace { ... }; protected $ccr = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\CcrNamespace { ... }; protected $cluster = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\ClusterNamespace { ... }; protected $danglingIndices = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\DanglingIndicesNamespace { ... }; protected $dataFrameTransformDeprecated = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\DataFrameTransformDeprecatedNamespace { ... }; protected $enrich = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\EnrichNamespace { ... }; protected $eql = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\EqlNamespace { ... }; protected $features = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\FeaturesNamespace { ... }; protected $fleet = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\FleetNamespace { ... }; protected $graph = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\GraphNamespace { ... }; protected $ilm = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IlmNamespace { ... }; protected $indices = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IndicesNamespace { ... }; protected $ingest = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\IngestNamespace { ... }; protected $license = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\LicenseNamespace { ... }; protected $logstash = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\LogstashNamespace { ... }; protected $migration = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MigrationNamespace { ... }; protected $ml = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MlNamespace { ... }; protected $monitoring = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\MonitoringNamespace { ... }; protected $nodes = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\NodesNamespace { ... }; protected $rollup = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\RollupNamespace { ... }; protected $searchableSnapshots = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SearchableSnapshotsNamespace { ... }; protected $security = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SecurityNamespace { ... }; protected $shutdown = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\ShutdownNamespace { ... }; protected $slm = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SlmNamespace { ... }; protected $snapshot = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SnapshotNamespace { ... }; protected $sql = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SqlNamespace { ... }; protected $ssl = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\SslNamespace { ... }; protected $tasks = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TasksNamespace { ... }; protected $textStructure = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TextStructureNamespace { ... }; protected $transform = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\TransformNamespace { ... }; protected $watcher = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\WatcherNamespace { ... }; protected $xpack = class Elasticsearch\\Namespaces\\XpackNamespace { ... } }; private $converter = class Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Elasticsearch\\EventAwareConverter { private ${ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Result\\Converter}metadataCollector = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\MetadataCollector { ... }; private $dispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher { ... } }; private $bulkQueries = []; private $bulkParams = []; private $indexSettings = [\'index\' => \'su_articles_live\', \'body\' => [...], \'include_type_name\' => TRUE]; private $metadataCollector = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\MetadataCollector { private $finder = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\DocumentFinder { ... }; private $parser = class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Mapping\\DocumentParser { ... }; private $cache = class Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\FilesystemCache { ... }; private $enableCache = FALSE }; private $commitMode = \'refresh\'; private $bulkCommitSize = 100; private $bulkCount = 0; private $repositories = [\'Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Document\\ArticleViewDocument\' => class ONGR\\ElasticsearchBundle\\Service\\Repository { ... }]; private $eventDispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher { protected $logger = class Symfony\\Bridge\\Monolog\\Logger { ... }; protected $stopwatch = class Symfony\\Component\\Stopwatch\\Stopwatch { ... }; private ?SplObjectStorage ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}callStack = class SplObjectStorage { ... }; private Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcherInterface ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}dispatcher = class Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher { ... }; private array ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}wrappedListeners = [...]; private array ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}orphanedEvents = [...]; private ?Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\RequestStack ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}requestStack = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\RequestStack { ... }; private string ${Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher}currentRequestHash = \'00000000000012f20000000000000000\' }; private $stopwatch = class Symfony\\Component\\Stopwatch\\Stopwatch { private bool $morePrecision = TRUE; private array $sections = [...]; private array $activeSections = [...] } }')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Result\DocumentIterator->convertDocument('document' => '[\'_index\' => \'su_articles_live\', \'_type\' => \'article\', \'_id\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f-fr\', \'_score\' => 1, \'_source\' => [\'uuid\' => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\', \'locale\' => \'fr\', \'title\' => \'Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une séparation\', \'route_path\' => \'/podcasts/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation\', \'type\' => \'podcast\', \'type_translation\' => \'Podcast\', \'structure_type\' => \'default\', \'changer_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'creator_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'changed\' => \'2023-09-29T05:50:44+0000\', \'created\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'excerpt\' => [...], \'seo\' => [...], \'authored\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'author_full_name\' => \'Adam Ministrator\', \'teaser_description\' => \'\', \'published\' => \'2023-09-29T05:45:00+0000\', \'published_state\' => TRUE, \'localization_state\' => [...], \'author_id\' => 1, \'creator_contact_id\' => 1, \'changer_contact_id\' => 1, \'pages\' => [...], \'content_data\' => \'{"title":"Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une s\\\\u00e9paration","routePath":"\\\\/podcasts\\\\/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation","code":"41","duration":"18","ausha":"bYXOQuGpwJw3","description":"<p>Dans cet \\\\u00e9pisode, notre associ\\\\u00e9e Karine consid\\\\u00e8re que l\\\'\\\\u00e9tat de souffrance des personnes dans leur s\\\\u00e9paration ne leur permet plus de prendre les bonnes d\\\\u00e9cisions.<\\\\/p><p>Il convient donc, sans prendre la place des th\\\\u00e9rapeutes psychologiques, de les placer dans meilleures conditions p\'..., \'main_webspace\' => \'kdl\', \'additional_webspaces\' => [...], \'content_fields\' => [...]]]')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Result\DocumentIterator->getDocument('key' => '0')
  at ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Result\DocumentIterator->current()
  at Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Content\ArticleSelectionContentType->getContentData('property' => 'class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { private $name = \'articles\'; private $metadata = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Metadata { private $data = [...] }; private $mandatory = FALSE; private $multilingual = TRUE; private $minOccurs = NULL; private $maxOccurs = NULL; private $contentTypeName = \'article_selection\'; private $params = []; private $tags = []; private $colSpan = 12; private $value = [0 => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\']; private $structure = class Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Document\\Structure\\ArticleBridge { protected $structure = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Metadata\\StructureMetadata { ... }; protected $document = NULL; protected $inspector = class Sulu\\Bundle\\DocumentManagerBundle\\Bridge\\DocumentInspector { ... }; private ${Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\StructureBridge}propertyFactory = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\LegacyPropertyFactory { ... }; private ${Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\StructureBridge}loadedProperties = [...]; protected $locale = \'fr\'; private $webspaceKey = \'kdl\'; private $uuid = \'cdb76539-c2a7-4871-8196-2bd8eda54885\' }; protected $propertyValue = NULL; protected $types = []; protected $properties = []; protected $defaultTypeName = NULL }')
  at Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\Structure\ContentProxyFactory->resolveContent('structure' => 'class Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Document\\Structure\\ArticleBridge { protected $structure = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Metadata\\StructureMetadata { protected $name = \'default\'; protected $titles = [...]; protected $descriptions = [...]; protected $tags = [...]; protected $parameters = [...]; protected $children = [...]; protected $disabledCondition = NULL; protected $visibleCondition = NULL; protected $resource = \'W:\\\\www\\\\kdl/config/templates/articles\\\\default.xml\'; protected $properties = [...]; protected $cacheLifetime = [...]; protected $controller = \'Sulu\\\\Bundle\\\\ArticleBundle\\\\Controller\\\\WebsiteArticleController::indexAction\'; protected $view = \'articles/default\'; protected $internal = FALSE; protected $areas = [...]; protected $schema = NULL }; protected $document = NULL; protected $inspector = class Sulu\\Bundle\\DocumentManagerBundle\\Bridge\\DocumentInspector { protected $documentRegistry = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\DocumentRegistry { ... }; protected $pathSegmentRegistry = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\PathSegmentRegistry { ... }; protected $proxyFactory = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\ProxyFactory { ... }; private $metadataFactory = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\Metadata\\MetadataFactory { ... }; private $structureFactory = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Metadata\\Factory\\StructureMetadataFactory { ... }; private $namespaceRegistry = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\NamespaceRegistry { ... }; private $encoder = class Sulu\\Bundle\\DocumentManagerBundle\\Bridge\\PropertyEncoder { ... }; private $webspaceManager = class Sulu\\Component\\Webspace\\Manager\\WebspaceManager { ... } }; private ${Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\StructureBridge}propertyFactory = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\LegacyPropertyFactory { private $namespaceRegistry = class Sulu\\Component\\DocumentManager\\NamespaceRegistry { ... } }; private ${Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Structure\\StructureBridge}loadedProperties = [\'title\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'routePath\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'code\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'duration\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'ausha\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'description\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'article\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'media\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'teasers\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }, \'articles\' => class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Compat\\Property { ... }]; protected $locale = \'fr\'; private $webspaceKey = \'kdl\'; private $uuid = \'cdb76539-c2a7-4871-8196-2bd8eda54885\' }', 'data' => '[\'title\' => \'La souffrance de celui qui quitte\', \'routePath\' => \'/podcasts/la-souffrance-de-celui-qui-quitte\', \'code\' => \'49\', \'duration\' => \'11\', \'ausha\' => \'b5w8EcaMdLQM\', \'description\' => \'<p>Notre associée Karine éclaire dans cet épisode particulier le cas de "l\\\'abandonnant" d\\\'une séparation, le plus souvent occulté au profit de "l\\\'abandonné" dans la littérature courante. A-t-il vraiment des raisons de se plaindre ? Est-elle, elle aussi, une victime dans la séparation ? Comment surmonter le poids de la culpabilité de la décision prise ?...</p>\', \'article\' => \'<p>Bonjour, vous écoutez l\\\'épisode numéro 49 de «&nbsp;parlons divorce avec Karine&nbsp;».&nbsp;</p><p>Pour cet épisode 49, nous allons parler <strong>de la souffrance de celui qui quitte</strong>.&nbsp;</p><p>J\\\'ai essayé de lire beaucoup de choses sur les différents aspects de la rupture amoureuse et je trouve, qu\\\'elle est souvent traitée du côté de ce qu\\\'on va appeler, «&nbsp;l\\\'abandonné&nbsp;» (celui qui est quitté)</p><p>Et «&nbsp;l\\\'abandonnant&nbsp;», c’est-à dire celui qui va prend\'..., \'media\' => [\'displayOption\' => NULL, \'id\' => 1], \'teasers\' => NULL, \'articles\' => [0 => \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\']]')
  at Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\Structure\ContentProxyFactory->Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\Structure\{closure:W:\www\kdl\vendor\sulu\article-bundle\Document\Structure\ContentProxyFactory.php:61-72}('wrappedObject' => 'NULL', 'proxy' => 'class ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\__PM__\\ArrayObject\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b {  }', 'method' => '\'__debugInfo\'', 'parameters' => '[]', 'initializer' => 'NULL')
  at Closure->__invoke('�' => 'NULL')
  at ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\__PM__\ArrayObject\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b->__debugInfo()
  at Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\Caster::castObject('obj' => 'class ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\__PM__\\ArrayObject\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b {  }', 'class' => '\'ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\\\__PM__\\\\ArrayObject\\\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b\'', 'hasDebugInfo' => 'TRUE', 'debugClass' => '\'ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\\\__PM__\\\\ArrayObject\\\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b\'')
  at Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner->castObject('stub' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\VarDumper\\Cloner\\Stub { public $type = 4; public $class = \'ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\\\__PM__\\\\ArrayObject\\\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b\'; public $value = class ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\\__PM__\\ArrayObject\\Generated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b {  }; public $cut = 0; public $handle = 8987; public $refCount = 0; public $position = 0; public $attr = [\'file\' => \'W:\\\\www\\\\kdl\\\\var\\\\cache\\\\preview\\\\dev\\\\sulu\\\\proxies\\\\ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy__PM__ArrayObjectGenerated325da6e026f4dcf8a829ea835be10d7b.php\', \'line\' => 5] }', 'isNested' => 'TRUE')
  at Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner->doClone('var' => '...')
  at Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner->cloneVar('var' => '...', 'filter' => '???')
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  at Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\Preview\Renderer\PreviewKernel->handle('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/_sulu_preview\'; protected $requestUri = \'/_sulu_preview\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = \'\'; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\{closure}" }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }', 'type' => '1', 'catch' => 'FALSE')
  at Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\Preview\Renderer\PreviewRenderer->handle('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/_sulu_preview\'; protected $requestUri = \'/_sulu_preview\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = \'\'; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\{closure}" }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }')
  at Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\Preview\Renderer\PreviewRenderer->render('object' => 'class Sulu\\Bundle\\ArticleBundle\\Document\\ArticleDocument { protected $uuid = \'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\'; protected $nodeName = NULL; protected $path = NULL; protected $parent = NULL; protected $title = \'Sortir de la souffrance d\\\'une séparation\'; protected $pageTitle = NULL; protected $pages = [0 => [...]]; protected $route = NULL; protected $routePath = \'/podcasts/sortir-de-la-souffrance-d-une-separation\'; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $originalLocale = \'fr\'; protected $structureType = \'default\'; protected $structure = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Document\\Structure\\Structure { protected $properties = [...]; protected $stagedData = [...] }; protected $creator = 1; protected $changer = 1; protected $created = class DateTime { public $date = \'2023-09-29 05:45:00.000000\'; public $timezone_type = 3; public $timezone = \'UTC\' }; protected $changed = class DateTime { public $date = \'2023-09-29 05:50:44.000000\'; public $timezone_type = 3; public $timezone = \'UTC\' }; protected $author = 1; protected $authored = class DateTime { public $date = \'2023-09-29 05:45:00.000000\'; public $timezone_type = 3; public $timezone = \'UTC\' }; protected $extensions = class Sulu\\Component\\Content\\Document\\Extension\\ExtensionContainer { protected $data = [...] }; protected $workflowStage = NULL; protected $published = class DateTime { public $date = \'2023-09-29 05:45:00.000000\'; public $timezone_type = 3; public $timezone = \'UTC\' }; protected $versions = []; protected $children = class ArrayIterator {  }; protected $shadowLocaleEnabled = FALSE; protected $shadowLocale = NULL; protected $mainWebspace = NULL; protected $additionalWebspaces = NULL }', 'id' => '\'6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f\'', 'partial' => 'FALSE', 'options' => '[\'webspaceKey\' => \'kdl\', \'locale\' => \'fr\', \'targetGroupId\' => \'-1\']')
  at Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\Preview\Preview->render('token' => '\'2f4811e4ad0b6182494e2d9d8d9c6bc5\'', 'options' => '[\'webspaceKey\' => \'kdl\', \'locale\' => \'fr\', \'targetGroupId\' => \'-1\']')
  at Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\UserInterface\Controller\PreviewController->renderAction('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/admin/preview/render\'; protected $requestUri = \'/admin/preview/render?webspaceKey=kdl&provider=articles&id=6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f&locale=fr&token=2f4811e4ad0b6182494e2d9d8d9c6bc5&targetGroupId=-1\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session { protected $storage = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage { ... }; private string $flashName = \'flashes\'; private string $attributeName = \'attributes\'; private array $data = [...]; private int $usageIndex = 3; private ?Closure $usageReporter = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->onSessionUsage", ... } }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }')
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/admin/preview/render\'; protected $requestUri = \'/admin/preview/render?webspaceKey=kdl&provider=articles&id=6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f&locale=fr&token=2f4811e4ad0b6182494e2d9d8d9c6bc5&targetGroupId=-1\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session { protected $storage = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage { ... }; private string $flashName = \'flashes\'; private string $attributeName = \'attributes\'; private array $data = [...]; private int $usageIndex = 3; private ?Closure $usageReporter = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->onSessionUsage", ... } }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }', 'type' => '1')
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/admin/preview/render\'; protected $requestUri = \'/admin/preview/render?webspaceKey=kdl&provider=articles&id=6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f&locale=fr&token=2f4811e4ad0b6182494e2d9d8d9c6bc5&targetGroupId=-1\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session { protected $storage = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage { ... }; private string $flashName = \'flashes\'; private string $attributeName = \'attributes\'; private array $data = [...]; private int $usageIndex = 3; private ?Closure $usageReporter = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->onSessionUsage", ... } }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }', 'type' => '1', 'catch' => 'TRUE')
  at App\Kernel->handle('request' => 'class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = \'/admin/preview/render\'; protected $requestUri = \'/admin/preview/render?webspaceKey=kdl&provider=articles&id=6e80c16e-ebbc-4f3e-9596-21bab7e0ff9f&locale=fr&token=2f4811e4ad0b6182494e2d9d8d9c6bc5&targetGroupId=-1\'; protected $baseUrl = \'\'; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = \'GET\'; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session { protected $storage = class Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage { ... }; private string $flashName = \'flashes\'; private string $attributeName = \'attributes\'; private array $data = [...]; private int $usageIndex = 3; private ?Closure $usageReporter = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->onSessionUsage", ... } }; protected $locale = \'fr\'; protected $defaultLocale = \'fr\'; private ?string $preferredFormat = NULL; private bool $isHostValid = TRUE; private bool $isForwardedValid = TRUE; private bool $isSafeContentPreferred = *uninitialized* }', 'type' => '???', 'catch' => '???')
  at {main}()          

Expected Behavior

What is the behavior you expect?

to have the list of selected articles working when it "self type reference"

Create an article type with this template

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<template xmlns=""



        <title lang="en">Podcast</title>
        <title lang="fr">Podcast</title>

    <tag name="sulu_article.type" type="podcast"/>

        <property name="title" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
                <title lang="en">Title</title>
                <title lang="fr">Titre</title>

                <param name="headline" value="true"/>

            <tag name="sulu.rlp.part"/>
            <tag name="" role="title" />

        <property name="routePath" type="route" mandatory="true">
                <title lang="en">Resourcelocator</title>
                <title lang="fr">Url</title>

                <param name="route_schema" value="/podcasts/{implode('-', object)}"/>

            <tag name="sulu_article.article_route"/>

        <property name="code" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
                <title lang="en">Podcast number</title>
                <title lang="fr">Numéro du podcast</title>

        <property name="duration" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
                <title lang="en">Podcast duration</title>
                <title lang="fr">Durée du podcast</title>

        <property name="ausha" type="text_line" mandatory="true">
                <title lang="en">Ausha podcast ID</title>
                <title lang="fr">Ausha podcast ID</title>

                <info_text lang="fr">
                    Copier la valeur de podcastId du bloc de code de la page SmartPlayer de ausha. ex: podcastId=bYXOQuGpwJw3 => copier bYXOQuGpwJw3 dans ce champ

        <property name="description" type="text_editor">
                <title lang="en">Description</title>
                <title lang="fr">Description</title>
            <tag name="" role="description" />

        <property name="article" type="text_editor">
                <title lang="en">Content</title>
                <title lang="fr">Contenu</title>
            <tag name="" />

        <property name="media" type="single_media_selection">
                <title lang="en">Image</title>
                <title lang="fr">Image</title>
                <param name="types" value="image"/>
            <tag name="" role="image" />
            <tag name=""/>

        <property name="teasers" type="teaser_selection">
                <title lang="en">Recommendations</title>
                <title lang="fr">Recommendations</title>

        <property name="articles" type="article_selection">
                <title lang="en">Articles</title>
                <title lang="fr">Articles</title>
 {% for teaser in content.teasers %}
    <a href="{{ sulu_content_path(teaser.url) }}">
        {{ teaser.moreText|default(teaser.title) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for teaser in content.articles %}
        <a href="{{ teaser.routePath }}"> 
            {{ teaser.title }}
 {% endfor %}
  • Create a podcast A
  • Then create a podcast B with podcast A selected in teasers & articles

Here in the view this work fine at this stage for both teasers & articles

  • Edit podcast A with podcast B selected in teasers & articles

Now you get a 500 on articles but teasers work fine

Tested it with a clean bdd and a clean elasticsearch