
"Cookie data and Client Date not set. Use the ReadMe file first before using this script."

simplo opened this issue · 11 comments

simplo commented

Hi there, I get this error (on docker) even all the fields are compiled as it says on the video.
Can you please help me?

Did you modified and saved the .env file as it is shown in the video?

simplo commented
simplo commented


Your might be running docker compose in different location.

simplo commented

I'm launching the command "docker-compose -f compose.selective.yaml up"
in the same folder where the .dev is, the root of the project.

You sre running selective downloads, but course data file is not there in the directory. Try running only docker compose up.

simplo commented

Same result, I'm totally new to Docker, maybe I'm doing something wrong... :(

simplo commented

In the Docker Container I can see the .dev correctly compiled, is it right?
What do you mean? Have I to reinstall the github project on a different directory?

simplo commented

I reinstalled the github project on a new folder and now it is working!
Thank you so much!!!!