
i cannot use it

Closed this issue · 6 comments

translator doesn't work. could you check it?

Thanks for your report, but would you be able to elaborate it a little more? i.e., what you tried to do, what source and target languages you chose, what kind of operating system and web browser you use, etc.?

i tried, but i couldn't use it. i used explorer 10. so i'm using chrome.
thanks to make this program! thank you so much!!!!

Works for me. I can use it. PEBKAC?

@risenkim I'm not entirely sure what exactly you mean by "i used explorer 10. so i'm using chrome.", but I haven't tested it with Internet Explorer. I know there is another person who had a similar complaint and I know she also uses Internet Explorer, so it leads me to believe the problem is a browser specific issue.

I'll investigate this issue when I have some spare time. However, in any case, I have no intention to provide support for non-ACID3-compliant web browsers (such as Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8).

I have confirmed it does not work with Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 (not displaying a translated result).

I believe I have resolved most of issues where it doesn't work on IE8. The basic functionalities are in a working state but there are some minor glitches. Also, window.history.pushState does not work on IE so I'm going to have to look for an alternative. Since pushState is out of the scope of this ticket, I'm closing this.