
Payment not working anymore

Closed this issue ยท 17 comments

mrusa commented

I'm using the sumup-ios-url-scheme for a client for some years now, where as just 2-3 weeks ago it stopped working without any sumup-specific modifications from my side. iOS Version 13.5.1 and Sumup-App Version 2.14.8.

The link I'm redirecting to is somewhat like sumupmerchant://pay/1.0?amount=10.00&currency=eur&affiliate-key=<keyhere>. The sumup app starts, shows the correct amount but after selecting "pay with terminal" a system alert as well as an app alert pop up, citing a server and connection failure.

Due to my issue having the same symptoms as described in issue #10 I tried to add to the allowed application IDs (since I'm redirecting from safari on an ipad) but this did not change anything. Before, there was only test added as allowed app ID.

Were there any changes on your side I've missed or do you know what might be the problem here?

Thanks in advance

Same here

Any updates? I've got the same issue

I've send an email to SumUP, the day after all worked fine...

Okay, thanks! What was the issue? Did it work with or your own app-id?

Thanks for the fast response. I'll send them an email now :)

Hi @phoebusryan.

Getting in touch via email is the best way to trouble shoot this. It might be some setup with your affiliate key you wouldn't want to share here.

When sending us an email please make sure to include

  • your app's bundle ID
  • the affiliate key and the account it belongs to

Kind regards,

Mail sent ;)

Still not working and no still no answer to my mail. the customer is pissed.... :-/

mrusa commented

I've also sent an email to and got a response within minutes. It's working now.

It looks like the support has added the App-ID "com.sumup.appswitch" to the allowed App-IDS (I'm using Safari). I hope this does help somebody.

Genius! That helped!

Thank you so much @mrusa

Omg ! Thx @mrusa !

ifixr commented

com.sumup.appswitch really makes the difference.

olect commented

This should be a documented proper section under developer docs. I spent three days debugging to figure out.

ifixr commented

Oh and another thing (which is, actually, documented, but just in case it's not clear): If you use foreign-tx-id once (and it doesn't matter if it was a successfull payment or card failed), you cannot use the same number again (so for example, your invoice ID needs to have a serial sub-number).

ifixr commented

For the SumUp team - it would be great if the error message wasn't so generic. In all attempts, every message just said there's a problem connecting to a server... It would be great to have a hidden log somewhere, even though the URL Scheme integration is very simple. Thanks!