
Menu only works if the button is bottom the screen?

jasanchezsa opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, Congratulations for the project.
The menu only works if the button is bottom the screen.
Thanks you.

Hi elpatxificador,

I have to add these feature in the library. Thanks for showing interest.

@sunilsharma08 I have added this feature for showing menu on top or bottom. But I have implemented it based on my last pull request branch because I have separated the part where you set the layout. If you accept my PR I will send you this new part too, if not, I will implement it again based on your current code ;)

Hi FraDeliro,
I have accepted your PR and please raise PR to develop branch. I making all new changes in develop branch and once everything is stable I will merge it to master and make new release of library.

For Sure, thanks.
Let me know if everything is ok ;)