Passing array with object as first element as object array as second is broken.
nicklan opened this issue · 3 comments
Shown by the following example:
Add the following two files to the examples and examples/templates as and array.hbs respectively:
extern crate iron;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate handlebars_iron as hbs;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::{status};
use hbs::{Template, HandlebarsEngine};
use rustc_serialize::json::{ToJson, Json};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
struct Team {
name: String,
pts: u16
impl ToJson for Team {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
let mut m: BTreeMap<String, Json> = BTreeMap::new();
m.insert("pts".to_string(), self.pts.to_json());
fn make_data () -> Json {
let sub_teams = vec![ Team { name: "Jiangsu Sainty".to_string(),
pts: 43u16 },
Team { name: "Beijing Guoan".to_string(),
pts: 27u16 },
Team { name: "Guangzhou Evergrand".to_string(),
pts: 22u16 },
Team { name: "Shandong Luneng".to_string(),
pts: 12u16 } ];
let team = (Team { name: "Main Team".to_string(),
pts: 123u16 },
/// the handler
fn hello_world(_: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
let mut resp = Response::new();
let data = make_data();
resp.set_mut(Template::new("array", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);
fn main() {
let mut chain = Chain::new(hello_world);
chain.link_after(HandlebarsEngine::new("./examples/templates/", ".hbs"));
println!("Server running at http://localhost:3000/");
<title>Array Test</title>
Main: <b>{{[0].name}}</b>: {{[0].pts}}
{{#each this.[1]}}
<li class="{{#if @first}}champion{{/if}}">
{{@index}}. <b>{{name}}</b>: {{pts}} -- {{this}}
{{this.[1]}} <- output correct json
The output will have all nulls for the sub-teams, even though it will print four lines with all null, so it is iterating over the right thing. More simple tests of array iteration seem to work, so I suspect something about the complexity of the json being passed is breaking things.
Accessing the sub-team array as just [1] also doesn't work.
Thanks for reporting. This seems to be an issue with the each
helper. I will look into it.
This should be fixed in handlebars 0.11.2. Please run cargo update
and test again. Thanks!
yep, seems to work. thanks for the super fast response!