
Is there a way I could build it myself?

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asdnf commented

Seems like I should make some extra tweaks to the project in order to build it.
When I try to build it, gradle outputs messages like these:
/home/ppk/IdeaProjects/PowerToggles/res/layout/widget_config_activity_common.xml:210: Error: Duplicate id @+id/btn_1, already defined earlier in this layout [DuplicateIds] android:id="@+id/btn_1" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /home/ppk/IdeaProjects/PowerToggles/res/layout/widget_config_activity_common.xml:34: @+id/btn_1 originally defined here /home/ppk/IdeaProjects/PowerToggles/res/layout/widget_config_activity_common.xml:219: Error: Duplicate id @+id/btn_2, already defined earlier in this layout [DuplicateIds]