

This project was created for the NYC General Assembly Web Development Immersive in the Lemon cohort of the March 2015 class. This was our third and final assigned personal project. We were given full reign on this project with very little limitations on what we could build.

I elected to build a flashcard application that primarily serves as a tool for learning Mandarin Chinese. The inspiration for this came from tutoring Chinese throughout college at the University of Florida and realizing that there was a need out there for a simple, but efficient learning apparatus that would let you write out a three-sided flashcard.

If you're not as familiar with learning Mandarin, the usual method that people approach making flashcards is by putting down the English definition, Chinese logogram, and the Pinyin or the Latin-script pronunciation. Often people would tell me about their experiences having to make two sets of cards because many programs weren't able to flip between three entries, only two.


tools of the trade

  1. The work flow and development narrative can be found, additionally, here on Trello.

  2. The front-end was done using JQuery and vanilla Javascript.

  3. The back-end was developed with Rails.

  4. Made API calls to Chinese Character Web API with httparty.

digital ocean url


As with any of my projects, please submit any issues or pull requests. I would love to hear from you and improve on this project, resource, and tool. Thanks!