
loading weights issue

JoeHEZHAO opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I have downloaded yolo-tiny.weights and put it into folder 'weights'.

Then happens an ERROR:
Using Theano backend.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 194, in
yoloNet = ReadTinyYOLONetWeights(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'weights/yolo-tiny.weights'))
File "D:\DeepLearningProgram\Darknet.keras-master\utils\", line 80, in ReadTinyYOLONetWeights
l.biases = np.asarray(testArray[0][count])
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

And I check file '', def 'ReadTinyYOLONetWeights', the 'testArray' variable is [] (null) with many many dtype.

What is the problem ??

I have this problem. Did yo solve this problem?

I have the same problem

this code is written for older version of YOLO weight, now the weight has updated to version 2.0, so the code is no longer working.

@Walid-Ahmed I'm sorry but I am too busy recently, and reading weights bite by bite is a nasty job. If you need a off the shelf object detection algorithm that is implemented in popular framework, I recommend SSD, it's implemented in caffe and has a re-implement version in MXNET.

This is an old issue, but you can download the old weights at: . For me the code works when I load that weights-file.

@JoshGlue Thanks, I've been looking for this weight for a long time.