
[code] Question about Vggnet

Luciferkiss opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thank you for your great work!
I find that your vgg19's layers and parameters are both different from what i use .I wanna know how you get your vgg19 and if it came from other people ,how can i get whole layer's parameters of vgg19 with the format of ".pth"? For example,your pretrained vgg19 model only has "vgg_r31.pth","vgg_r41.pth","vgg_r51.pth",and what if i want to use relu_5_2 in vggnet?
here is part of your vggnet:
DUQ 7~RS0C4 Z0P) }I3 QN
here is part of my vggnet:

The VGG is from the WCT algorithm.