
Cannot upload file

kleenkanteen opened this issue · 0 comments

Fixed, sharing in case anyone else gets same error

Bug report

Describe the bug

I did npx supabase db push and npx supabase functions deploy. Under supabase/functions I created a .env and added my Open API key. In env.local I added my supabase project url and anon key. I just duoble checked both. I also added my supabase url to the seed.sql.
I then ran npm run build then npm run start. When I open up the website then, I try uploading a file and get an error on the bottom right.

The solution was me not adding my supabase url in seed.sql before running npx supabase db push. Then when I did add it and reran npx supabase db push, supabase had already applied seed.sql and did not care if it changed.

The file looks like this:

select vault.create_secret(
  'https://blah blah',

See how my vault has no secrets:


I just added it manually to the vault:


Now I can upload a file just fine.