
What should STUDIO_PG_META_URL point to?

kubeworkz opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm currently setting STUDIO_PG_META_URL to: http://cloudrock-supabase-kong.default.svc.cluster.local:8000/pg in the studio section of my values.yaml file and I'm getting the following error:

Error: [500] self signed certificate

It happens in the table editor, database etc. I guess wherever it's trying to communicate with Kong?

Cheers, Dave

Hi @kubeworkz

Can you paste more of your values file used to deploy the chart, and which chart version are you using?


The chart version is: 0.0.3

btw: thanks for getting back...It's up and running here:

Cool, if its running then can you close the issue?

oops, I wasn't detailed enough. It's partially running. If you try the Table Editor or Database menu items you'll see the error.
My theory is that the call to Kong uses http and everything else is https. I need to get the proper certs down to Kong. There's a mismatch there somewhere. Cheers, Dave

Are you terminating the SSL in nginx or Kong directly?

I have had success with using the current helm chart as a starting point and then putting an nginx ingress in front of it for routing and TLS termination, I havent looked at using Kong directly for TLS termination.

I basically went to cert-manager documentation route for the nginx ingress

Since the SSL terminated outside of the whole Supabase setup, SSL was not an issue.

I got everything working! Turns out I just needed to disable ssl on DB_SSL (everywhere). I also added a few things to the database structure (not sure if they're needed)

 - pg_graphql
 - pg_stat_statements

 - graphql_public

Thanks for your guidance, very much appreciated.